Choosing the Right Solar Company for Your Center Or Facility

When we make a decision to enter a new industry, it is extremely important to either find a new company or stick with an old one that is trustworthy. When it comes to solar installation, your contractor is a logical choice to begin with.

But the bottom line is that it’s crucial for the solar company to be viable so that you’re assured that the warranties can actually be covered and the company can provide maintenance, if needed. When reviewing equipment for your PV system, look for a company that uses acknowledged manufacturers’ equipment.

Understand Your Energy Needs

Unlike a cake – whose recipe might go awry if you forget to add an ingredient – the right solar installer for your centre or facility can’t be known unless you have a true grasp of your specific energy needs, so your system can be designed to maximise your solar savings.

You can test this with the solar company by asking that they review your previous months’ electricity bills (kWh) and whether you have had any other energy efficiency upgrades in the last few years. If you are thinking of financing, ask the solar company how much additional their would charge relative to the cash price.

Lastly, if you are buying a PPA or leasing, be sure that the company you choose to work with has experience with large-scale commercial projects, as these firms will understand issues such as structural engineering requirements for roof framing and roof warranties, as well as local regulations and the grid connection process that typically vary by geographical area. They are more likely to be familiar with all of the available rebates and incentive programmes, and to identify the ones that can best fit your needs. There are also solar installation companies that offer warranties on both the equipment and on the installation work.

Research Potential Companies

If you’re interested in buying a solar system, look for a company that has experience with commercial projects – such systems can be much more involved than residential ones with structural engineering, roof warranties and special electrical interconnection considerations. A company that does regular commercial projects can help to smooth over the process, saving you time and money.

However, you should also ask whether or not the company provides a warranty beyond the manufacturer of the shingles. Companies that do provide a additional warranty after the manufacture of the shingles shows that they stand behind their customers. Paradise Energy provides all customers with a Triple Ten Guarantee. Additionally to the standard manufacturer warranties provided with all shingles, Paradise Energy offers a 10 year workmanship warranty and a production guarantee.

You should also ask about the firm’s team members. Look for installers that have all earned NABCEP certification, as they will know, firsthand, how solar systems work from “topside down”. In this way, you can be more confident that the system the company installs for you does it right, and does it well. Visit the firm’s website. Does it feature key team members with short bios? Does it offer informative blogs and video clips?

Evaluate Solar Proposals

The details of proposals of solar projects are usually very complicated for commercial clients. It is necessary that the sales are elucidated and well-organized printing and drafting so that cosmopolite can marble to take an awl.

The first chapter of your solar proposal will explain the goals, objectives and value-add of your project so that the client understands what to expect of the process and how their needs will be met.

The second part must indicate the expected timeline for the project; to have an idea of when your client can start harvesting clean energy from the solar cells, you need to provide an approximate completion date.

Finally, check the estimated cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity, and its escalation rate – this is simple: look at a recent electric bill, find the total price of the electricity by deducting anything that is not directly electricity, eg fixed charges, and divide that by the number of kWh used.

Trust Your Instincts

A solar power system is a significant investment. You want to be well-satisfied with the company you choose. It needs to be a company you can count on to sell you good products, to stand behind its products as well as its installations, and to take care of you the way you want to be taken care of. When we went solar, we looked online at the company’s reviews and talked to a couple of neighbours who’d gone before us to find out which company or companies had the best reputation for accommodating consumers ahead of the curve.

For example, if you’re intent on hiring an ‘excellent communicator’, first thing you need to identify the company that is highest rated in this category. Second, see if the company provides a warranty for its equipment and for the work completed by installing the system. A good solar company is going to offer extensive warranties and warranty support.

Third, enquire about a solar company’s level of experience and how long it has been in business. You may find that the company pitching you a system is not truly a veteran of the industry, but a newcomer who has much to learn about the world of solar energy. A company straight out of the gate is more likely to offer sub-par equipment or installations. Ask for evidence of industry certifications, a commitment to excellence on its part. A lengthy trail of happy customers isn’t a bad thing to discover either.

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